Gibraltar Gov't Partners With Post-COVID DLT Hackathon

Published at: July 23, 2020

Gibraltar Finance has been announced as an official partner of the upcoming Post-COVID Hackathon — a global, online initiative intended to create open-source solutions addressing the health, social and economic challenges posed by the post-COVID-19 era.

The event is expected to see participation from hundreds of teams internationally building in the distributed ledger technology (DLT) sector, with over 200 industry experts slated to assist participants.

Albert Isola, Gibraltar’s Minister for Digital and Financial Services, expressed pride in the government’s involvement with the hackathon, stating that “the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a range of new global challenges.”

“I am excited and look forward to seeing the dynamic solutions that will arise from this initiative, geared towards helping global communities adjust to the post-pandemic world. We are happy to support and be a part of this great work,” he added.  

Coinsilium and Indorse to host hackathon

The Post-COVID Hackathon will be co-hosted by Gibraltar-based investor and advisor to early-stage blockchain companies, Coinsilium, and Singapore-based fintech firm Indorse.

“The objective of Post COVID Hack is to mobilize the blockchain community’s coding talent to build open, permissionless solutions and accelerate the post-COVID recovery process,” said Coinsilium chief executive, Eddy Travia.

Travia emphasized his appreciation for the support of Gibraltar’s government, adding, “We welcome individuals and organizations to support this initiative and help us shape a positive ‘new normal.’”

Developers back DLT solutions to COVID-19 crises

The event will also be supported by smart contract developers RSK, and blockchain start-up incubator Tribe Accelerator.

Diego Zaldivar, the CEO of IOVLabs, the team behind RSK, stated, “We are delighted to be part of this initiative as enabling financial inclusion through our platforms is our mission.”  

“We really hope that coming together as a community to the service of humanity throughout these challenging times in order to foster creative solutions based on blockchain and RSK technologies will help make a difference,” he added.

The Post-COVID Hackathon’s online events are slated to commence on Aug. 10 and run until November.

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