Several Chinese Media Outlets Setup a "Blockchain-Powered News" Department

Published at: May 21, 2020

A group of 12 Chinese media organizations conformed by television stations, local newspapers, radio stations, and web media allied to create a “blockchain-powered news department” on May 21.

According to the report published by China Email, the group is made up of media companies from all over the country. They use solutions based on 4.0 and advantage of blockchain technology in favor of the distribution and exchange of content through the network.

The alliance, called “The National Department of Blockchain News Editing,” distributes more reliable and traceable news and media files that are recorded as blocks on a blockchain network.

Among the media groups that comprise the department are Beijing Time, Hubei Radio, Shanghai Poster Industry Group News, Guizhou Daily Tianyamn News, and Yunbao News.

Blockchain applied to the media across China

According to Wu Tong, deputy director of the CECBC Blockchain Committee of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the reform they seek to make through the news department is governed by the following precepts: thinking logic, asset shape, organization mode, and technical framework.

Wu says that in terms of blockchain development, the country has been making better progress, which gives an example of the “intensive” development of blockchain collective learning across the country.

The China Email article adds that the use of the blockchain in the field of communications can not only help news producers protect legal copyright, but also create commercial value.

Helping to reduce legal costs in copyright issues

On the other hand, Shang Kun, executive deputy director and co-secretary of the China Communications Industry Association Blockchain Special Committee, highlighted that the use of blockchain technology could also “greatly” reduce the cost of litigation in copyright-related legal affairs and thus making right protection “more convenient and efficient.”

Blockchain adoption in China

Cointelegraph has been making extensive coverage on the growing blockchain adoption across China.

On April 27, China’s Blockchain-based Service Network, or BSN, launched officially, which is a global commercial project to help blockchain projects create and run a new application based on such technology for a lower cost.

On the other hand, the government of Anhui, a province in eastern China, released its first blockchain platform for providing government services.

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