AAA blockchain gaming: The future of entertainment in the Web3 space — AMA with Undeads

Published at: Feb. 22, 2023

The growing GameFi sector has caught the attention of the video game industry, leading many brands to create their own unique blockchain games. However, despite the popularity of these projects, many lack engaging gameplay mechanics and the entertainment value found in successful traditional games. 

With a focus on high production values, replayability and entertainment, the upcoming blockchain gaming project Undeads aims to bring these much-needed elements to the forefront of the Web3 space. Undeads’ head of community Jan Emil Christiansen will get into more detail about the ambitious gaming project in an AMA on Feb. 22, 3:00 pm UTC.

Undeads brings a post-apocalyptic setting to the blockchain

The Undeads metaverse immerses players into a post-apocalyptic world where they are faced with the choice to align with either humans or zombies. The gameplay involves combat against both zombie and human characters, represented as NFTs, as they battle for resources and territory. The platform enables players to own, stake and mint every zombie or human NFT. The first NFT drop is coming up soon, and interested gamers can still sign up to join the public mint.

Source: Undeads

By pairing one male and one female zombie NFT, NFT holders can breed “Zombie kids” and earn rewards. These new characters can then assist players in their fight for survival. In addition to the breeding feature, players can collect resources, create and optimize their items, and engage in trading activities in both PvP and PvE modes. Players can also take on the role of metaverse entrepreneurs by constructing commercial, industrial or residential buildings.

A triple-A Web3 gaming project

The Undeads metaverse represents a groundbreaking AAA survival game that is making waves in the realm of blockchain gaming. With a team consisting of more than 70 developers, the game introduces a new era of Web3 gaming by implementing play-to-earn mechanics, a thoughtfully designed game economy, and top-notch production values. The team has also formed partnerships with renowned production companies such as Warner Brothers and the world-famous sound and design company, Wabi Sabi Sound, to offer players a truly immersive gaming experience.

Over the past 13 months, Undeads metaverse has been in production, having raised more than $5 million from private investment. The project boasts 25 in-game smart contracts that have undergone successful audits by CertiK as part of a comprehensive, 360-degree cybersecurity strategy that collaborates with security partner RedScan, the cybersecurity division of Kroll, to provide a secure and safe gaming ecosystem.

Undeads AMA on Feb. 22, 3:00 pm UTC

The Cointelegraph Ask-Me-Anything session will be delving into everything users need to know about Undeads on Monday, Feb. 22, at 3:00 pm UTC.

Listeners will get a chance to hear first-hand from Undeads’ head of community Jan Emil Christiansen, who has years of experience in the NFT space and is now actively managing community-centric activities in the Undeads team.

Learn more about Undeads

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