Chinese Courts Use Blockchain for Property E-Sealing

Published at: July 6, 2020

Several courts in China have implemented blockchain technology as a way to secure properties with an electronic seal.

The Executive Bureau of the People's Court in Haidian District, Beijing, has reportedly deployed a blockchain-based electronic seal to secure a property in Chaoyang district.

E-sealing system applies blockchain to protect the property

By applying blockchain-powered e-sealing, courts are able to securely monitor a property in real-time with help of video surveillance, local news agency the Global Times reported on July 5. 

Specifically, if the property is disturbed or being damaged, the blockchain system automatically turns on a surveillance mode and sends mobile warning notifications to plaintiffs and law enforcement personnel. According to the report, the system is also capable of making a photograph of the perpetrator and sending it to the relevant platform.

Apparently, the use of blockchain technology is intended to keep all data recorded and unmodified by involved parties. Law enforcement staff can use the platform to conduct property information queries to check the history of operations on the sealed property.

Blockchain property e-sealing is used by a Beijing court for the first time

As originally reported by local court-related website, this development marks the first time that a Beijing court has used an electronic seal for property. However, several other courts in East China's Jiangsu Province, South China's Hunan Province, and East China's Jiangxi Province have reportedly also announced the use of blockchain-based electronic seals recently.

Previously Cointelegraph reported that in Q2 of 2019, more than 3.1 million Chinese litigation activities were settled via so-called blockchain and AI “smart Internet courts”. According to Zhang Wen, president of the Beijing Internet Court, implementation of blockchain tech helps to collect and provide evidence in cases, as well as fosters social credibility development in the country.

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