Cyprus Hospital Ready to Store COVID-19 Test Results on Blockchain

Published at: June 21, 2020

Blockchain tracking platform VeChain announced on Twitter on June 20 that its blockchain-based medical data management platform co-developed with digital healthcare solution firm I-Dante has gone live and will store COVID-19 testing results. The platform, dubbed E-NewHealthLife, was deployed in the Mediterranean Hospital in the Republic of Cyprus.

Cyprus citizens who go to the hospital’s COVID-19 laboratory to undergo real-time diagnostic and antibodies testing, will have their medical and test records on the blockchain. The records will be encrypted, hashed and uploaded onto the VeChainThor Blockchain. The results will also be available on the E-HCert application. Adoption of E-HCert, the company said, reduces the cost of data storage and sharing. 

Data belongs to the data owner 

E-HCert App shows immutable test results and lets users have full control over their data and medical records. Once the test is done, people can access their results through the app. It can also be used to prove his or her health status. With the E-HCert records, people in Cyprus can comply with local quarantine and health regulations in order to return to work, take a flight abroad, and be authorized for other activities.

As Cointelegraph previously reported, Civic Technologies also recently launched a new crypto wallet to track medical employees’ COVID-19 vaccination records.

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