New Standard to Avoid Ethereum Contract Size Limitation Developed

As Ethereum contracts can hit the maximum contract size limit of 24KB when there are too many functions and too much code, a new standard has been developed to help combat it. 

Programmer Nick Mudge revealed in his blog post on July 10 that although Vitalik Buterin’s insistence on using “proxy contracts” could be the potential solution to the limitations, a standardized proxy contract called Diamond Standard he created could be the icing on the cake. Proxy contracts are contracts that can stay small by borrowing functions from other contracts. 

Mudge noted standard contracts such as ERC1400 Security Token Standards requiring many functions and events, implementing standard contracts could easily hit the limitation.

According to Mudge, Diamond Standard can standardize how programmers can create a small contract borrowing functions from any number of contracts. A contract that implements the Diamond Standard is called a diamond to differentiate it from regular ones and proxy contracts. 

Other than having many different sides and functions, Diamond Standard is also reported to have a flexible and transparent method of creating upgradeable diamonds. 

Community is supporting the new creation

Mudge says the community has been supportive of the new program. Several companies and individuals have already explored the Diamond Standard’s potential.

ConsenSys Diligence conducted a public security audit of Codefi's contracts and suggested that Codefi use the Diamond Standard to solve the maximum contract size limit problem. VolleyFire, a liquidity provider for decentralized exchanges is using diamonds. 

As Cointelegraph reported previously, on the Ethereum blockchain, by using a command and a proxy contract, upgradeable contracts can be issued. This gives developers some control over the contract after it has been issued. 

Alibaba reportedly seeks to develop a blockchain system that enables authorized parties to intervene in a smart contract.

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